It’s been over three weeks since we arrived in Costa Rica and the Lord is moving! Last week He provided the rest of the money I needed to be FULLY FUNDED! I’ve been blown away by the support from so many different people and I can’t thank you guys enough. If you have a monthly donation set up, please don’t forget to cancel it now. Any extra money does not go to me. If you would like to continue to support my squad there are a couple other incredible people who still need funds.
We are finally getting into scheduled ministry! We’ve been training over the past 1-2 weeks, and this week we are putting it into action. We’re partnering with The Hope Project (also known as Til He Returns in the states), which is a poverty alleviation ministry. It has many branches which all focus on improving people’s relationships with God, self, others, and creation. The goal is to create relationships with the materially poor, encouraging them to help themselves out of poverty by empowering them rather than giving handouts and acting like “saviors”. The ministry bases their actions on the teaching of a book called When Helping Hurts, which is an in-depth explanation of why going to a poor place and just building something, for example, actually does more harm than good and keeps the materially poor in poverty. Some of the branches of The Hope Project are a pregnancy center, dance studio, English classes, financial development/business classes, and other things. We also have a discipleship section that we’re all involved in, and street evangelism. We will be rotating through all of these areas throughout our time here.
As always, if you have any questions about our ministry or anything else, feel free to reach out! The Lord is good, and you were made to be loved by Him! Much love!